Configuration Settings

Dashboard Settings

Using the Dashboard Settings window, you can configure the debug level via the Logs tab, the percentile settings for percentile graphs via the Percentile tab, the percentile settings for transactions via Transaction Details tab, favorite settings via the Favorite Settings tab, graphs gradient settings via Graph Settings tab, and graph tree refresh settings via Graph Tree Settings tab.

Figure 213: Dashboard Configuration Window


This tab is used to configure the debug levels for logs. You can select the debug level from 0 to 4. This defines the information level to be stored at trace level. The default level is 0, which contains the most basic information. Further levels (i.e., 1, 2, 3, and 4) contain information that is more verbose as the level increases.

Figure 214: Logs Tab

To configure the debug level of server logs and dashboard server logs, select the debug level from the Debug Level section. For Module Debug Level, first select the module name and then select the debug level for that module.


A percentile is the value of a variable below which a certain percent of observations fall. Therefore, the 20th percentile is the value (or score) below which 20 percent of the observations may be found. The pth percentile is a value so that roughly p% of the data is smaller and (100-p) % of the data is larger. Percentiles can be computed for ordinal, interval, or ratio data.

To configure the percentile view for a percentile graph, click the Percentile tab on the Configuration Settings window. The Percentile setting section is displayed.

Figure 215: Percentile Tab

The default percentile views are displayed. Select the percentile to view from the drop-down list. To select all percentile views, select the Select All checkbox. To view the default percentile, select the Select Default Percentiles button. To save the configuration setting in the Config file, select the Save In Config File check box. Apply the settings by clicking the OK button. To cancel the settings, click the Cancel button.


In case you select 90, 85, 80, and 70 as percentile views and apply the settings.

Figure 216: Percentile to View Drop Down

The percentile graph is displayed with the selected percentile views.

To view the percentile views, open a graph and change the graph type to percentile graph from the widget settings. Once the percentile graph is displayed, double-click the graph to view the lower pane. The percentile views configured are displayed in the lower pane.

Transaction Details

You can also configure percentile views for transactions as configured for graphs in the above section. To configure percentile view for the transactions, click the Transaction Details tab on the Configuration Settings window. The Transaction Details section is displayed.

Figure 217: Transaction Detail Window

Provide the following inputs:

  • To view the transaction details in Auto mode, select the Transaction Details in Auto Mode check box.
  • Select the Show selected percentiles check box to enable the percentile data creation for transactions.
  • To view the default percentiles, click the Select Default Percentiles You can select the percentile to view from the drop-down list.
  • You can also select all percentiles to view by using the Select All
  • You can also provide a refresh time interval for transaction percentile and threshold for transaction details pagination in the respective input areas.
  • To save the configuration setting in the Config file, select the Save In Config File check box.
  • Apply the settings by clicking the OK To cancel the settings, click the Cancel button.


In case you select 99, 95, 90, and 80 as percentile views for transactions and apply the settings.

Figure 218: Transaction Details

The selected percentile views are displayed in the Transaction summary report.

To view the Transaction summary report, go to View menu, and click the Transactions menu item. Then, click the All Transactions link or a particular transaction link.

Figure 219: Transaction Summary

Favourite Settings

You can specify whether to apply the default time of favorite or the time specified in the current view. You can also specify whether to load favorites with compare settings. It also provides a feature to enable dynamic Dashboard. For these settings, you need to click the Favorite Settings tab on the Configuration Settings window. The Favorite Settings section is displayed.

Figure 220: Favorite Settings Window

 If you select the Load Graph Time Settings From Favorite checkbox, the graph time settings are loaded from favorite. If you do not select this check box, no time of the favorite is saved and the system considers the last saved value (default value). For example, if the current view of the favorite is last 1 hour and the default view is last 4 hours. Then, on selecting this checkbox, the favorite current value i.e., last 1 hour is saved and on not selecting this check box, no value of the favorite is saved and the system takes the last specified value (default value) i.e., last 4 hours on loading the favorite.

Note: If you apply comparison and save it as favorite, then, on selecting the Load Favorite with Compare Setting check box, the favorite is loaded with compare settings.

The Dynamic Dashboard feature allows a user to view the most recent updates in the graphs. You can enable dynamic Dashboard by selecting the Enable Dynamic WebDashboard checkbox. On enabling this, the graphs are displayed based on the runtime changes.

You can also specify Refresh Interval for Dynamic WebDashboard in minutes.

To save this setting in the configuration file, select the Save in Config File check box. Click OK to apply the settings.

Metrics Settings

You can also specify whether to apply gradient color on chart types and up to how many decimals the value is to be displayed on the y-axis. For this, you need to click the Graph Settings tab on the Configuration Settings window. The Metrics Settings section is displayed.

Figure 221: Graph Setting Window

Note: Here, you can apply gradient color settings for the graphs, configure the decimal digits, and can enable/disable crosshair and gridline settings.

In the Advanced Settings section, you can configure the following settings:

  • Shared Tooltip Threshold: To enable multiple tooltips for different graphs in a single widget.
  • Series Boost Threshold: To decrease the width of graphs when a given threshold for number of graphs is crossed.
  • Graph Scaling: To enable the scaling on widgets so that the lowest value graphs become visible in front of higher value graphs.

Note: Filter and Sorting options are available in the Scaling column to filter out scaled values of common scaled factors.

  • Lower Panel Pagination and Threshold: To enable the pagination in the lower panel of the Dashboard and threshold of the pagination.
  • Scaling Threshold: To define the graphs on which scaling is applied. It allows you to scale graphs using different threshold values.

Example: If the scaling threshold is 20 and the max value of the graph is 100 then all the graphs having values lesser than 100/20 are scaled with the Scaling factor Nx1. All the graphs having values greater than 100*20 are scaled with a Scaling factor shown like Nx2 or Nx/3.

Scaling threshold value in Dashboard:

  • Inter-widget Delay Time (ms): Whenever a new sample arrives on a production test, then graphs are updated one by one with the given delay.
  • Enable Monochromatic Color: To enable monochromatic colors in Advance settings.

      Example: Applied gradient color on Donut chart.

Note: To configure the decimal digits to be displayed with graphs, specify the value in the Show Decimal Digits text box.

Example: Crosshair and Gridlines

To enable crosshair and gridlines, select the respective options. Once you hover the mouse, crosshair is displayed.

In the below figure, decimal digits (3), grid lines, and crosshair are displayed.


This feature is added to reduce the visualization and interpretation complexities arising from having a large as well as small graph values on the same widget. Scaling enables distinct display of very small values compared with very high values on the same widget. Two scaling modes are provided, logarithmic and auto.

To enable scaling for all widgets, go to Settings > Graph Settings, and enable Graph Scaling.

Note: Once scaling is enabled, icon is displayed over the widget. 

Key Pointers

  • Scaling can be changed/applied from the widget.
  • If scaling option is changed/applied from the widget, then it is applicable on that widget only.
  • If scaling by specified metrics is selected, then on the selection of metrics from the lower pane or from widget, the scaling is changed.
  • From the configuration UI, you can change the default option of scaling.
  • Using the Scaling Threshold value, you can scale the graph as and when needed and can calculate the Scale Factor based on that.
  • The graphs, which are being scaled, are displayed with the dash and dotted line respectively.
  • The scale factor is being calculated and it could be seen in the lower panel as ‘X’ (Scaled up) and ‘/’ (Scaled down), based on the nature of the graphs.
  • The scale factor is displayed in whole numbers.
  • A specific range is maintained for the graphs where scaling is applied and maximum graphs will have the Scale Factor as 1. For example: If the scaling threshold is 20 and the max value of the graph is 100 then all the graphs having values lesser than 100/20 are scaled with the Scaling factor Nx1. All the graphs having values greater than 100*20 are scaled with Scaling factors shown like Nx2 or Nx/3.


In the graph panel, there is a graph with low values (CPU Utilization) and hence it is difficult to view the graph data concerning the higher valued graphs.

To have a better view, you can apply scaling on the graphs. To do this, enable the scaling via Settings > Graph Settings, and enable Graph Scaling with scale factor. There are two modes of scaling – Auto and Logarithmic.


This mode is applied to the graph having the highest value.

Note: The scaling factor is calculated and displayed in the lower panel automatically. To find the actual value at any instance, mouse over to that instance. You can change the scaling base metric by clicking if from the lower panel. Scaling is re-calculated according to the selected metric and redraws the chart.


Here we can use logarithmic scaling to handle the large number of metric or graphs. In mathematics, the logarithm is the inverse operation to exponentiation, just as division is the inverse of multiplication and vice versa. That means the logarithm of a number is the exponent to which another fixed number, the base, must be raised to produce that number. In simple cases, the logarithm counts factors in multiplication. For example, the base 10 logarithm of 1000 is 3, as 10 to the power 3 is 1000 (1000 = 10 × 10 × 10 = 103); 10 is used as a factor three times.

Scaling Off

To disable scaling from the graphs, select Off from the scale menu. This laid the graphs in their original form.

Area Range Graph

Area Range graphs is a chart type, which is applicable based on the configured threshold. This is implemented to resolve the UI slowness due to the large number of graphs on the panel. The area-range graph plots the higher value and lower value samples from a set of graphs, which makes it lightweight and quick to update and render.

Geo Country Map

This shows the map of the country which is selected in the Widget.

Widget Metric Limit

It shows the limit of the Widget plotted.

Widget Count limit

This shows the limit of the count in the widget.

Shows data points

In this, the data point is shown in the graph if samples are below the given limit.

Apply Zoom: Select this check box to apply Zoom on the widget.

Offset line: Select this check box to show the offset line.

Metrics Tree Settings

You can specify whether to refresh the graph tree on the occurrence of run time changes. In addition, you can also specify at what level, compare group members to be displayed.

For this, you need to click the Metrics Tree Settings tab on the Configuration Settings window. The Metrics Tree Settings section is displayed.

Figure 222: Graph Tree Settings Window

Note: This option allows you to set the maximum level in the tree hierarchy by which “Compare Group Member” related context menus are shown. This is required as there is an impact on the performance of Dashboard when “Compare Group Member” is shown in the tree and the hierarchy level is high (>5). Default value is -1, which means it is allowed at all the levels.

DB Settings

In this section, you can configure the query timeout (in seconds).

Figure 223: DB Settings Window

Query Settings

It is used to integrate the dashboard with NF UI for NFquery widget. You need to mention the unified NetForest machine URL (NF UI IP and Port).

Figure 224: Query Settings Windows

Data Settings

Data Settings is used for data/unit settings as per response time in terms of Sec or Millisecond.

Figure 225: Data Settings
  • Unit Setting- Select the response time in auto, seconds, and milliseconds.
  • Missing samples and samples with zero settings
  • Global Policy- Check the box if you want to use the following global policy given.
  • Fill data for samples having count as
  • Fill as zero
  • Treat as missing sample
  • Data for missing samples- Fill the data as:
  • Repeat last samples(number of times repeated)
  • Fill as zero
  • Don’t fill
  • Using linear interpolation


You can configure the Multi DC environment through UI and can start a node server from there. You can add, edit, delete, update, and configure multiple slaves and can change master DC. By using the Apply button, you can start the node server.

Figure 226: Cluster Configuration Window

You can perform the following action on the Multi-Node Configuration window:

Add a Node

To add a node, you need to provide the following details and click the Add button:

  • Node Name: This is the name of the node. It must start with an alphabet. Maximum length is 32 characters.
  • Session Number: This is the number of the session. It is a numeric and maximum length allowed is 32.
  • IP Address: It is the IP address of the machine. It is a numeric field with 11 allowed characters.
  • Port: It is the port of the machine. It is a numeric field with 7 allowed characters.
  • Protocol: Select the protocol either HTTP/HTTPs from the drop-down list.
  • Master: If this is a master node, select the ‘Master’ check box.
  • Node Type: Select the product type, such as NetDiagnostics, NetStorm, NetVision, and so on from the list.
  • Enable Node: Shows whether the node is enabled or not.
  • Actions: User can either delete or edit the node info given.

Delete a Node

You can delete master and slave DC by clicking the Delete  button. However, if you delete the master DC information, then it must make at least one DC information from the table as master before using the Apply button.

Edit a Node

You can edit the DC information by clicking the Edit button and can update DC information as per the requirements.

Save the Node Details

On clicking the Save button, the DC details are saved in the records.

Apply the Configurations

On clicking the Apply button, the node-server starts running on the port as provided.

Run Aggregator on Same Machine

With this option, if you click the Apply button, the node server runs at the backend for the machine on which it is logged in. This option is displayed on selecting the Master check box.

Figure 227: Run Aggregator Advance Settings

You have the following fields to be filled:

  • Aggregator Port: Enter the aggregator port in this field.
  • Aggregator Protocol: Select HTTP or HTTPS as per the requirement.
  • of Workers: Enter the number of workers for the run aggregator.
  • Aggregator Timeout(ms): Enter the aggregator timeout in this field.
  • More Options: Once you check this box, you have the following fields:
Figure 228: More Options
  • Headers Timeout: Enter the headers timeout in this fields.
  • ReqFreeSocket Timeout: Enter ReqFreeSocket Timeout in this fields.
  • Alive Timeout: Enter the alive timeout.
  • Redis Port: Mention the Redis Port in this field.
  • Redis Ttl: Mentioned the Redis Ttl.
  • Redis IP: Mention the Redis IP.
  • Redis Caching Threshold: Enter the threshold of the Redis.
  • Recovery Interval: Mention the recovery interval time.
  • Node Health Time: Mention the Node health time in this field.
  • Node Server TimeOut: Enter the Node server timeout in this field.
  • Node Health ReqTimeOut: Mention the node health reqtimeout.
  • Base Url for NF: Mention the URL for NF.
  • Health Check Interval: Enter the health check interval.

Run Aggregator on Other Machine

When you click this option, there will be an additional option to specify the machine on which we need to run the node server.

Figure 229: Run Aggregator on other Machine

The following fields need to be filled to run aggregator:

  • Aggregator IP: Enter the Aggregator IP in this field.
  • Controller Name: Enter the controller name.
  • Aggregator Port: Enter the aggregator port.
  • Aggregator Protocol: From the drop down, select HTTP/HTTPs as per requirement.
  • of Workers: Fill the number of workers in this field.
  • Aggregator Timeout(ms): Fill the aggregator timeout in ms.